Understanding and being able to interpret your financial reports is one of the keys to running a successful, profitable, and efficient organization. Shinn Consulting provides services to help you create financial reports that are easy to interpret, so your team can get maximum benefit by managing from the numbers.
- Financial reviews – Your finance and management teams make important decisions regarding the financial resources of your company. Through monthly, quarterly or annual reviews, Shinn Consulting specialists can work with you to evaluate your strategy so you stay on track to increase profitability. Our consultants will review existing forecasts and plans to determine ways to increase the value of your company. We will also look at historical performance to evaluate whether your company was able to stay on track to meet targets and forecasts, and if not, we work with you to determine the most effective ways to get back to plan.
- Evaluation of financial statements and key ratios – Through evaluation of your financial statements, our consultants learn a lot about the performance of your company: the numbers tell much of the story. In order to be successful, one must continually review past performance to ensure the organization is realizing its maximum potential. Through review of financial statements and several key ratios, we work with your team to determine areas the company can focus on to cut costs, improve performance and increase profitability.
- Review of accounting and financial management procedures – Without accurate numbers and financial controls, it is nearly impossible to manage an effective organization. Shinn Consulting conducts a procedural review and works with your company to improve current processes and establish strong financial controls.
- Variance analysis – The analysis of variances is an important part of maximizing profits for your organization. As a management team, you must recognize variances as they occur, determine the reasons for them, then make plans to either eliminate or manage them in the future. Our consultants will work with your team through this process.